1. In-Source Tests with Vitest

    Reading time: 5 minutes
    Posted 8 months ago

    Vue adopted a Single File Component philosophy, which has some benefits over splitting concerns, which you can read up on in the official Vue Docs. From a SFC philosophy, youโ€™d want everything that relates to your component in a Single File. So letโ€™s explore this take with our component tests as well, because why would your tests be any different than your scripts, template or styles?

    Weโ€™re going to leverage a feature that Vitest offers, out of the box, to a Vue example code base. Bear in mind that this approach would be applicable to other implementations that leverage Vitest just as easy. Also, this is a thought experiment.

  2. Mandatory article on AI, not entirely written by an AI

    Reading time: 5 minutes
    Posted 2 years ago

    With ChatGPT taking flight with providing an accessible means of interacting with AI models, the debate on the usefulness of AI generated content is all the craze. AI and generated content isn't new, but the ChatGPT marketing campaign and accessibility have opened possibilities to the masses.

    With the purchase by Microsoft, (next to its existing Github Copilot service) the future for AI embedded in our tasks is solidified.

  3. Honey, where are my tests?

    Reading time: 6 minutes
    Posted 2 years ago

    Having identified a number of different types of tests, you can already imagine that each tests has its own place in the process.

    The process here is key: because software development is complex and consists of several steps, it just makes sense to validate each of these steps. We'll outline a lineair process, but of course in practice there's more iteration between steps. That's fine and is in fact where tests offer the confidence of moving back and forth!

  4. Different types of testing

    Reading time: 7 minutes
    Posted 2 years ago

    Software development is complex. It involves people talking about an idea or concept and then translating it to code. The code then is compiled, packages or run and we expect a certain result. In all of these (generic) steps, there's room for complexity, interpretation and errors to sneak into the software.

    Luckily, testing software has matured and expanded to a level where we can confidently release code that doesn't break on build, only changes where change is needed and the features can even be asserted before writing a single line of code!

  5. What to choose: Cypress or Playwright ๐ŸŽญ?

    Reading time: 4 minutes
    Posted 2 years ago

    I was seeing a lot of Playwright mentions in my timelines recently, so I decided to investigate what the fuss was all about. Playwright, as it turns out, is a tool for executing end to end (e2e) tests, similar to Cypress.

    With Cypress being my go to tool to integrate e2e tests, I figured I could do a comparison on the two, to see which better fits my needs at this point.