- Reading time: 11 minutesPosted 11 hours ago
The Great Shortcut in Software Development
Reading time: 3 minutesPosted 2 months agoIn the fast-paced world of software development, why reinvent the wheel when you can just copy-paste someone else’s? We live in a copy-paste culture, where solving problems often means borrowing what already works.
And that’s exactly what npm packages and tech conference talks have in common. Both are shortcuts. Both exist so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Let’s explore how these two seemingly different worlds share the same philosophy of borrowed brilliance.
CSS Can Do What Now?!
Reading time: 3 minutesPosted 6 months agoWe all know the CSS blinds meme, right? Or the CSS is Awesome text that exceeds the box? These seem to appeal to many developers these days, perhaps even more than in the past. We've started leveraging JavaScript or TypeScript-oriented frameworks and features, while relying on Tailwind to help us style our interfaces.
We've drifted away from one of the main pillars of the web: CSS is not a main focus anymore but an afterthought—something to slap onto a bit of interactive code. Leaning on these frameworks can lead to lower maintenance and more up-to-date knowledge of CSS.
2023: Year in Review
Reading time: 12 minutesPosted last yearAs the year draws to a close, it is an opportune time to contemplate the accomplishments of past years in order to gain a better perspective. Looking back on my achievements, I feel a sense of pride and gratitude for all that I have accomplished, with the help and support of those around me.
This year, many things that were previously in progress seemed to fall into place, leading me to pursue a new career direction that focuses more on engaging people rather than code. This is a path that is better suited for me at this stage in my career.
Content Creation Process
Reading time: 5 minutesPosted last yearEver since I started the process of writing a book I have had to work on streamlining the content creation part a bit! For articles on my personal website, I usually write and post when I have something the share. Usually these are simply articles conveying my thoughts or small tutorials focussing on a very specific topic. For the book Building Real-world Web Applications with Vue.js however, I have had discover a new process.
It started with determining the outline of the book with all the topics we wanted to cover and address. That structure really helped in getting the scope for each chapter right as I've discovered. Scope creep is a real thing, when you want to teach and deliver well rounded projects!
Importance of decompressing
Reading time: 2 minutesPosted 2 years agoTaking time off from work is crucial for our overall well-being. It allows us to recharge, de-stress, and reset our minds. When you take a break from work, you give yourself the opportunity to focus on other aspects of your live, such as spending quality time with family and pursuing hobbies that we enjoy. This can help you feel more balanced, refreshed, and fulfilled.
We work in a tech industry, and I find myself often times glued to a screen. During office hours, but also occasionally on evenings. I just got back from a 10 day break in Iceland. It was my second visit and the first with my kids. Being able to decompress is important. Being able to decompress in the environment that Iceland brings is next level. My Instagram feed is a testament to the rugged landscape.
Getting the first miles in
Reading time: 3 minutesPosted 2 years agoI finished the draft of the third chapter today. After some proof reading of my own, it will be off to the editor for the first review. After writing a couple of chapters, it's a good time to do a bit of reflecting on the go.
I really enjoy writing this sort of content. Having the structure of the entire book laid out beforehand also really helps in making sure that I focus on a specific topic at a time. Without, I think I would be tempted to start drifting off topic by elaborating on more niche or advanced techniques.
2022: Year in review
Reading time: 4 minutesPosted 2 years agoWhen the year closes, it's always a good moment to reflect on the past years achievements to see the bigger picture. If I look back to my achievements, I am proud and grateful for all I've achieved with support of people around me.
A lot of things that have been in the works seemed to click this year and directed my career into a new path, more focussed on engaging people over code. Something that suits me at this point in my career.