Released NPM package for OhMyPrints & Werk aan de Muur
As a hobby photographer, I upload some of my photos to a selling service called "Werk aan de Muur". It allows consumers to order prints while offloading the logistics to the service in exchange for a commission per print.
As software developer, I believe you should be able to own your own content. Which is one of the reasons I also launched this website.
With that in mind, I've created a photography portfolio where I can showcase my own images, but I would really like to reference the shop without the manual updates in between.
The service actually exposes a WordPress plugin, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. With a bit of reverse engineering and also plainly looking up the documentation, I've created a client for the selling service.
I figured there may be more people who are trying to do something similar. Wordpress is still very popular, but if you're a little bit tech savvy, you should not be locked in to a specific vendor.
So I converted the client I made into an npm package and published it. For me it was useful in learning how to build a package and what comes into publishing it. It's not hard, you just have to think about the proper documentation.